Archives du mot-clé Smithsonian Institution

United States, a terrorist state but Americans do not know!

The United States is a master-chief for telling stories of heroes and innocence. They sell us a “marvellous” story of a pure people ready to sacrifice for the sake of morality to overcome unjust deeds all through the world. Yes, it is of their own attributes to save us from our dark side. We, the people of the world, need to be rescued; it is written in our genes that our fate is suicidal. It is the sacred mission for each and every American leader to embrace until it is fulfilled. This is what America is for!

By the way, what if we get rid of the veil to check the facts and stop listening to stories that are only “agglutinated” words intended to give us only one option: swallow stories told by professional storytellers. Facts tell us that the best storytellers are politicians and their “damned” communication advisors acting behind the curtains.

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